There are few things to compare "Ancestral Knowledge" with. Clock's "On The Threshold" is one worthy mention. Something (slightly) less obscure worth noting would be Bosque's less black metal moments. A clean guitar is the culprit for the majority of the release performed by the mysterious "N". If the tone of the album was cake and the icing was the reverb, the cake would be tiny and the frosting would be all over the place. Every note lasts forever and drips into the background like echoes dying off in the dark emptiness of a cave. The strings have a metallic ring to them and a distinctive clang, even when paired with the myriad number of reverb and echo effects which are used throughout the album. Percussion is provided in a slow, steady manner with the drums distant in the background by "S," another enigmatic character. The drums actually sound very close to the distinctive timbre of those kits that kids play in grade-school to accompany a piano for a Christmas Show however in this setting, with this accompaniment, they are anything but childish. What I find very interesting about the drums, is you can hear the room ambience and create a visual image of the room in which the drums are recorded. A rare experience in music. A constant windiness graces the release, subtle but real. Mere haunting movements in the foreground almost too close to see. Interesting release from Order Of The Light and a great gateway listen for those looking to get into ambient music.

____________RELEASE INFO________________
Year: 2008
Origin: Portugal
Label: Perpetuam Productions
Serial: PER004
N - Strings
S - Drums
Track List:
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
Perpetuam Productions
_____________EXTRA INFO_____________
Perpetuam Records: PER004 Cassette Limited to 200 Copies
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