The Calling Depths, the debut album from Lvcifyre, quite surprised me. I'm not usually immediately impressed by death metal releases, often times needing several listens for my appreciation to simmer or dim. Not here. Not only does The Calling Depths pummel and crush, but it creeps along with the grace of a seasoned mortician, presenting something ugly and depressing in a softer more eloquent manner, letting reality sink in at a later date. The eight tracks on display are well honed and fine tuned monstrosities of the weird and queer. Vocalist and guitarist T. Kaos offered thoughts and history on Lvcifyre, an as yet slumbering beast that is sure to twist and turn minds quite soon.
T. Kaos: A few wonderers had been set to unite and co-operate in sonic spheres. All of us have a Death/Black Metal CV, such as Adorior, Corpus Christii, Necrosadist, Isolated. Line up was totally change since "Dying Light ov God".
CTP: How would you describe the image and aesthetic which Lvcifyre has attempted to present to the public? What influences would you attribute these stylings to?
T. Kaos: What I see is the manifestation of unspeakable power enforced in aspects such as wrath and fyre, but everyone can see things differently, not unlike one of those unclear pictures where everybody sees something different, simply because their subconscious will create the image in the mind of the beholder. That is, I think, very strong in the image of Lvcifyre.
CTP: There is an occult tendency to your lyrics and to the imagery associated with Lvcifyre. Would you be able to delve into some of the themes and subjects which Lvcifyre conjures up in the lyrics?
T. Kaos: It is based on my research of Myths, religious systems, words of power, altered states of mind or divinity, night cults and human sacrifice, as well as dark literature such as HP Lovecraft.
The lyrics on "The Calling Depths" are describing realms beyond this one such as the astral paths.
Lots of texts are about exploring the subconscious side of our minds, which I think now is a main key for any Lvcifyre lyric.
CTP: Your recent release, The Calling Depths, is one of the finer releases of a Death / Black Metal mixture I've heard, invoking comparisons to Incantation and Antaeus as well as more modern bands such as Akercocke. What musical influences are at the heart of Lvcifyre's dark center? What inspirations do each of the individuals involved rely on that may be different or unexpected to unfamiliar followers of Lvcifyre?
T. Kaos: We were always based on classics from 80's and 90's, but a lot has changed in our perception and focus.
One could say we are trying to use Metal Music only as a tool to communicate with our shadows and it does not feel like music only – there are higher intentions attached to it. I think very few manage to achieve that state, like Teitanblood.
As for non Metal, sonic wise is Lustmord, Endura, selected works of Coil or Current 93 - I think these are the very few alternations regarding what I like to listen. Menthor is studying music, so he is into all sorts of jazz and classical stuff. He didn’t like that at the beginning so much, but I think he has discover that a little bit with his heart now.
The very core of Lvcifyre is the calling Abyss within us, the Depths that we feel. Lvcifyre is sort of our vehicle to that place where you can forget yourself and your burden of ego. Eternal Darkness and Black Fyres of Abomination – these are the places we feel and see.
CTP: Describe the sounds and emotions which a listener could expect to experience while engaging The Calling Depths?

CTP: Tell me about the recording of the album. What problems did you run into? Where there any particularly memorable events or occurances during the recording?
T. Kaos: 11 days and 11 nights of mental exhaustion. We worked very fast and hard from the early afternoon till early mornings sometimes. Just before we entered the studio the place was totally flooded, it was a catastrophic time by then in Poland, where we were recording and the guy was telling us that all snakes and frogs from local rivers and swamps came with the water. Even though that place had been redecorated, the horrible rotten smell of R'lyeh was with us all the time to spice up atmosphere a bit. All vocals were recorded in a massive basement with such a big reverb that we were forced to install acoustic panels around me to bring down the effect. At night the whole place was swarming with all sorts of insects and frogs.
Thunder blew all the fuses in the guitar amps, but we managed to fix it, also over takeing dump in the air was fuck it up the mixing console. (?) quite often. Nothing short of unreal.
CTP: The Calling Depths has received quite a bit of buzz in the underground on blogs and across the internet. Are you in any way surprised by the reaction to the record? What has been the worst criticism and what has been the best criticism, in your opinion, of the record?
T. Kaos: Of course as an artist I would like to hear some feedback. There have been a few average reviews, none of them are bad. The most annoying thing is comparing us to plastic "Death Metal" like Behemoth. There have been lots of very good ones actually, where the editor really focuses on the music, but most of it is only comparing us to Morbid Angel, Immolation, Incantation etc. Classification above understanding, shit criteria to judge came to us.
CTP: You've recently agreed to release your upcoming second album with Dark Descent Records, a leading up and coming label who have, for the past three years, gained a large amount of respect in the underground for their focus in professionalism and quality releases. How did you get in contact with Dark Descent?

CTP: Is the new album completed? How would you compare or contrast the new album to The Calling Depths?
T. Kaos: I can’t even compare that, it’s so different, much more obscure and dark and dominating, like another step in evolution. But of course it is hard to say, it has not been recorded yet, so I will let others judge that. The recording session is scheduled for May 2013 and we have a much more honest approach to it.
CTP: The new album, I expect will include Dictator (Dictator, Necrosadist, etc) providing additional guitars. Has his inclusion affected the writing process for the band? Additionally, on The Calling Depths, Cvltus is accredited as a session bass player. Is he now a full time member of the band?
T. Kaos: Dictator joined us some time after "The Calling Depths" were recorded. The writing process is done between me and Menthor. Cultus became a full member of Lvcifyre after we released the debut.
CTP: My favorite track off The Calling Depths has been Death's Magnetic Sleep. Tell me about this particular track, musically, lyrically and contextually.
T. Kaos: It is the oldest Lvcifyre song after the EP. I wrote that one right after we recorded our first "Dying Light ov God" and it is the first song we played together with Menthor. The song is about Death, who is waiting for all of us - the Death that we are hailing to, the same Death that came to take us all into our eternal sleep. The character is taking a step behind the curtains of Death itself into the leftovers of our consciousness.
Sulphur is the symbol of that song - it hypnotises the character that helps awaken the wrathful powers lurking in Forbidden space.
These are the Fyres that consume all life - all God.
CTP: How is the underground music scene in the UK? You've done a fair amount of shows as well. How have the live rituals been received? What has been your best and worst shows so far?

Of the new blood Binah is an absolutely great band, you need to check them out.
CTP: Is the music scene in the UK different from other locations? I know that Dictator and Menthor have experience with other scenes such as in Cyprus and Portugal.
T. Kaos: Yes, it is a different style, a different approach. I emigrated from Poland around 14 years ago, and before I was playing in Hodur, Sons Of Serpent and then in UK with Adorior. It is like folk music, each country has their own unique style and I think that culturally, each nation’s atmosphere does appear in Metal as well, like in any other type of music. Have a look at Greek Black Metal or Polish Death Metal or American, Florida Death Metal or Scandinavian Black Metal. Each of them has their own unique style that corresponds to the place, culture and atmosphere where musicians or artists in general grew.
We strongly believe that this "Fatherland addiction" is the barrier, a moral to be broken. We don’t want to sound like some great bands from different regions of world, no matter how amazing they are. We don’t want our music to be related with people, but with the Gods of Hell as they use us to manifest. N o F a c e o f P a s t.
CTP: What would you say is your biggest pet peave in terms of the modern music landscape? If there was one thing you could alter without consequence, what would it be?
T. Kaos: Get rid of pretenders under skins of Devil. Generally I don’t like 90% of today's so called Metal scene. If the instruments could become very difficult to get, let’s say each individual would have to show their level of genius and the message they try to convey, then it would get rated on whether to allow him to play or not – it would reduce all that shamboo and help true great minds came to the front. It does resemble a dictatorship and no liberation for the week..., but it will never happen so... pointless really to visualise that.
CTP: When can we expect the new Lvcifyre album out? What formats will it be released in? The Calling Depths was release as a CD and LP. Will the next album be available in the same formats?
T. Kaos: Next album I think towards the end of 2013, both formats, maybe even tape, we’ll see.
CTP: What upcoming shows is the band expecting to participate in? What can black/death maniacs out there look forward to while they wait for the follow up to the excellent The Calling Depths?
T. Kaos: We have just done one with Cruciamentum, other than that there is nothing booked yet, album first.
With the new release we will become more ugly and devastating, that’s for sure, but I prefer to wait and make you feel his claws inside of you when the time is right.
CTP: Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions! You have the last proclamation here.
T. Kaos: Thanks for the interview. To all maniacs support only honest bands. If you don’t find us to be that way, burn our release. If you do, come and join the Lvcifyre Mass.