Once again, Greven, Kvisling – who now has more aliases than the concept known as God — and Parallel, have awarded readers with material deserving of praise and, possibly, its own marble statue. Greven and Kvisling's material makes up 90 percent of the zine, while Parallel submits just one article. Though he only has a single showing in the magazine, Parallel's piece is going to

Other standout articles in the Doom Reich pamphlet include an interview — Doom Reich's first, with Eviigne, leader of the Argentinian enclave known as the Southern Elite Circle. An in depth, intellectual conversation concerned with the ideology behind the man before his music, Eviigne's mentality, outlook and goals sit well with the themes that wind their way through the magazine. In short, the interview has become less of a standalone interview and instead it takes the place of another Greven rant. Anyone looking to invest time in discovering interesting and rebellious philosophy would do well to take the suggestions of Eviigne. An excellent inclusion. Greven's last article in the magazine covers the important of Tabasco sauce in the diet of... well... anyone. Interestingly enough, Greven either has written this article in the style of Kvisling purposely, or has gone on to be influenced by Kvisling's writing style while writing about his fondness and need for the world's greatest condiment. Read it. You'll know what I mean.
On to Satan's Apostle: David Kvisling Hitler Faubus Stenger / Imperial Wizard Kvisling / Hasamir Fenring. Kvisling's first few words in the magazine are, "Fuck, so anyways I fucking crashed through the front of deLesseps and Son." The sentence goes on to describe the careening bus and the smashing of grandpa skulls. Yes, you know I'm talking about another installment of

Overall, the magazine is still living up to expectations. I miss some of the inside the magazine artwork, as there is none in this issue; just the front cover and back cover imagery which are — as they were in the first mag — awesome. The writing is still excellent, well written and edited neatly. The construction and print job still good for a photo-copied zine. I still got my personalized note like I did with the first magazine. I don't have the feeling the magazine is slipping in quality, and I don't have the feeling that there will be any compromises in the future. I still support Greven Melkor and his minions and the ideas they are spreading to the masses. This is still one of the more unique fanzines around, and one I hope continues to preach for a bit longer.

Year: 2009
Origin: USA
Label: Self Released
Serial: None
Greven Melkor
David Kvisling
1. No Life Worth Living
2. My Life As A Superhero Part II
3. A Call To Arms - Voice Of The AFMF
4. Post... Metal?
5. Nietschean Will: Interview With Aviigne Souther Elite Circle
6. The Top Ten By Far Most Hateful Records Ever
7. The Metal Archives' Standards Are Slipping And Its No Joke
8. Tabasco: The Swiss Army Knife Of Condiments
____________EXTRA INFO________________
Doom Reich - Doom Reich #1
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